These are the faces of the amazing people behind Graham + Fisk's Wine-In-A-Can! Our passionate crew is just as dedicated to delivering great wine as they are to having fun.

Graham Veysey
Otherwise known as the canman
- 🍷 His superpower: Being able to hear the bells chime when it is Wine-O-Clock
- ❤️ Favorite karaoke song: Glory Days by The Boss
- 🙌 Fun fact: He also has a sister-in-law named Graham
Co-Founder & President - Fisk Biggar

Fisk Biggar
Self-described as captain Costco pants
- 🤷 If he was a TV character: Nigel Wick from The Drew Carey Show
- 👊 If we were a TV show: Silicon Valley -"Yea, it really hits."
- 📲 Fun fact: He has his own GIFs and uses them all the time in text messages.
Customer Support & Wholesale Manager - Jenny Davis

Jenny Davis
Head of Turning Frowns Upside Down
- 📜 Office rule she'd like to implement: Track Suit Mondays
- 🕹️ Office gift she'd like: A giant arcade claw machine
- 🍷 Favorite G+F blend: "Red. I've never been a red wine drinker and this can changed my mind."
Design & Marketing Manager - Tyler Jensen

Tyler Jensen
Most likely to jump in at moments notice with a smile
- 👨💻 Favorite karaoke song: Sugar We're Going Down by Fall Out Boy
- 🐶 Office rule he'd like to implement: Bring your dog to work on Wednesdays
- ❤️ Fun fact: He's a Swiftie at heart
Fulfillment Manager - Joevon Manley

Joevon Manley
King of moving pallets of wine weighing 1,792 lbs all by himself
- 😀 If he was a TV character: Darryl from The Office
- 😴 Office gift he'd like: Full body massage chairs
- 🍷 Favorite G+F Blend: Rosé With Bubbles
Ecommerce Manager - Brandon Pickus

Brandon Pickus
Most likely to resemble a podcaster on zoom calls
- 💻 Year book superlative: Most sarcastic
- 😈 If he was a TV character: Rick Sanchez (Rick & Morty)
- 🍷 Favorite G+F Blend: "Moscato - I could drink it all day."

Matt Durbin
Head of Powerpoint Presentations
- 🧔 If he was a TV character: Coach Beard (Ted Lasso)
- ⛳️ When he's not working he can be found: On the golf course
- 🍸 Fun fact: 1994 World Bartending Champion "Made my final drink blindfolded."
Managing Partner - Heather Durbin

Heather Durbin
AKA ElastaGirl
- 🍾 Her superpower: Making wine disappear (Cheers!)
- 💃 Favorite karaoke song: Dancing Queen by Abba
- 🍷 Favorite G+F Blend: Rose With Bubbles. "It's like Summer in a can."